EYFS Curriculum

At Abercorn pastoral care and development of children’s personal, social and emotional skills are the highest priority. The atmosphere is one of energy and enthusiasm, enabling children to establish a strong foundation for their educational journey over these formative years and onward.

Children follow the Early Years Foundation stage curriculum (EYFS) from Nursery to Reception, which encompasses seven areas of learning. These are implemented via a holistic approach in order to maximise child initiation and to develop the whole child. Setting the foundation for learning and structure of school days ahead. Abercorn provides an environment where small classes and teacher support allow all of our children to flourish and be happy. 

Our child-initiated approach to learning is designed to inspire and reflect the interests of our children. Skilled Early Years teachers channel their interactions with the children to deliver stimulating classrooms and knowledge which is meaningful to children in their formative years. Classrooms are transformed to bring to life topics, enhancing exploration and discovery. Children are active learners in all areas of the curriculum. They are encouraged to investigate, question, discover and explore learning concepts.

The private garden promotes outdoor learning to develop investigative skills and exploration; it’s covered with a soft surface to minimise any possibility of grazed knees and includes its own fort! Most events of the School day take place in the main building, but there are additional facilities locally that are used to support our extensive curriculum.

During these early years, we believe assessment should be the result of a process of ongoing observation of a child in their natural setting, without the unfair pressures on performance on a specific day.

In addition to our specialist teaching team we are proud to provide robust EAL and learning support ensuring children who need a little extra help can access and enjoy an Abercorn education.

Discover Lower School
